About Fuelplanner

Fuelplanner estimates fuel requirements and generates realistic loadsheets for selected simulation aircraft. Enter the origin and destination (four-charachter ICAO format), select your aircraft and press the Create button.

Fuel usage estimates are based primarily on flight simulation data, and include base fuel for taxi-out, departure climb, enroute cruise, descent, and for taxi-in. Reserves include fuel for alternate/diversion (45 minutes), holding (30 minutes), and contingency (varies by ruleset). The default display for non-registered users uses the FAR Domestic ruleset and all weights in pounds.

Enroute time is block estimated gate-to-gate. The default payload is based on 2008-2009 national load factors for U.S. flights, and is adjusted monthly to reflect seasonal variation and interpolated daily.. Payload includes weight for passengers, carry-on bags, and checked luggage.

The online version of the fuel planner is free. Advanced options are available for registered users (registration is free). An API is in the final stages of development. Send me an e-mail to put your name on the list.